Our SMARTFLOW chimney draft stabilizer is much more than a plain chimney cap. Regardless of the weather conditions outside, it ensures an optimal air and smoke flow inside the chimney. We also use it for air ducts with great success. SMARTFLOW is stocked in most popular dimensions but also custom made to fit any given shape or type of chimney. It will work with all kinds of heating systems and fireplaces with the exception of condensing systems.
Chimney Draft Stabilizer
What is it?
1983 GW energy savings 150000t of CO every year

Chimney Draft Stabilizer
Cost effective chimney cap
Virtually indestructible. Manufactured from stainless and acid proof steel of the highest quality. Available in multiple shapes to fit any chimney. Can be installed in round, square and oval chimneys of virtually any size!
Why bother?
to invest in SMARTFLOW Chimney Draft Stabilizer?
Our stabilizer improves the performance of a chimney and, at the same time, of the entire heating system, by eliminating the majority of adverse effects related to severe weather situations. The results are amazing!

Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!

Don't let your money go up in smoke
Proper chimney draft is essential for the effective functioning of the whole heating system. It can't be too weak, but it also can't be too strong. With a weak or insufficient draft, the exhaust gases will not exit the chimney fast enough. With a draft that is too strong, the fuel will burn inefficiently and an excessive amount of unburned particles will be released into the atmosphere. Regardless of the type of used fuel, an optimal airflow through the chimney results in the whole chimney warming up evenly over its entire length. Aerodynamic characteristics of SMARTFLOW eliminate backdrafts, and the heating system is functioning independently from weather conditions. This leads to savings in heating costs of 10% to 40% which is constantly proven by our clients.

Universal and practical
The unique construction of SMARTFLOW makes it universal when it comes to its possible applications. It may be used on all heating systems, as well as on fireplace chimneys. It can be installed in private homes, but it is also exceptionally effective when used with industrial boilers. No matter whether you own a small restaurant or run a big bakery, our chimney stabilizer is a perfect solution for you.
Besides its chimney application, our regulator can also be used over air duct exits. It offers protection against inclement weather conditions as well as prevents undesirable cooled air backup or excessive heated air escape.

Stack effect regulator
How does it work?
The weather conditions are quite unpredictable and completely uncontrollable, which can be best observed during ski jumping competitions. For safe and effective functioning, all heating equipment needs a specific amount of air involved in the burning process and creating the draftt, which is generated by the chimney and other systems connected to it.
This ideal amount of air varies from one type of appliance to another, but it is always a specific value for any given unit. This means that any change in the amount of air, will result in less than optimal functioning of the heating unit. The efficiency specified by the manufacturer will remain unattainable for the average user as it is achievable only in a controlled laboratory setting with a steady and ideal airflow. In short, SMARTFLOW will provide your heating system or fireplace with ideal conditions at all times.

One way to overcome this technicality is to install our stack effect regulator. In a very windy weather, it will reduce the stack effect, whereas in calm weather conditions, the stack effect regulator will ensure an optimal pressure inside the chimney.
Our regulator was designed with the same laws of physics in mind that found their application in modern aviation and architectural structures. Its aerodynamic construction ensures that the air gets in and out of the chimney in a controlled way, similarly to how it happens in case of jet engines.
Green chimney

One of the main benefits of SMARTFLOW is the fact that it helps protect the environment. By stabilizing the airflow inside the chimney, the emission of dust, CO, SO2, NOx into the atmosphere can be lowered even by 70%. The condensation of steam and soot buildup is reduced by as much as 80%, and chimney becomes completely dry.
Protect the environment. Turn your home into a modern and green one.
Satisfaction guaranteed
We understand our clients' needs and we provide each of them with a personalized approach. Depending on their needs, we offer our stack effect regulator with or without installation if our clients choose to install it themselves. Regardless of the selected option, we give 5-year warranty, and in case of any doubts or questions, we offer professional and individualized support. Purchasing our stack effect regulator does not entail any risk as our product comes with “satisfaction or money back” warranty.
Give our product a try and experience the difference it can make.